Children can not be ‘silent’, is normal. Opening and closing the closet door repeatedly, emptying the contents of the basket and hiding something, is a child’s way of exploring what is around him, in the sense of the word, this is one way he learns. To maximize the learning process, Mother can make fun children’s games to educate.

Unstructured play is the most suitable game for children aged one to three years (toddlers). The game that will be carried out should be adjusted to the interests of the child.
For example, if your child is enjoying an active game, you can create a game that involves jumping or dancing. If your child likes a quieter game, you can invite him to arrange blocks, or color.
With the right types of games, playing can help development for children. For example, building cognitive abilities, physical and emotional development of children.
Here are examples of children’s games that can be tried at home. The following games are very simple, without you needing to buy expensive toys, or you can even create your own.
Follow instructions
It is a children’s game by demonstrating what Mother has instructed. For example, the mother says, ‘hold the head’, then the child must hold the head too. This simple game can train children to follow instructions and help them memorize things, such as the names of body parts.
Play obstacles
Usually, Mom and Dad, especially grandparents, will be worried if they see a child running on the sofa, or jumping up and down. Actually, how to play like this is useful for training gross motor skills, developing balance and body coordination, as well as training strength.
But of course, children must play in a safe place. To channel this activity, Mother can make a play mat. For example, arrange a hula hoop on the floor, and the child has to walk or jump into the rings.
Looking for toys
Mother knows what her favorite toy is, for example a ball. This children’s game aims to train children’s patience, persistence and emotional abilities. The trick is to hide the ball and give the child time to find it. If your child looks upset, you can pretend to help him find it.
Puzzles are not only challenging for adults, they can also be interesting games for toddlers. Today, there are lots of puzzle models for young children. Some are made of wood, plastic to cardboard. Puzzles are now not only on cardboard, but also made on story books.
Puzzles are examples of children’s games that are full of benefits. By playing puzzles, children can practice their physical skills by moving around looking for puzzle pieces, train children’s cognitive by looking for suitable puzzle pieces and train children’s patience.
Playing with sheets
If you are playing alone, you can use a smaller cloth such as a tablecloth, if you are playing with more children, you can use sheets. This children’s game is useful for practicing their patience, listening to instructions and motor skills.
Each player, holds the edge or side of the tablecloth firmly. Then if you say ‘lift’, then you and the players must lift the tablecloth. Then add other instructions, such as ‘get it down’ or ‘hide under the sheets’. To make it more interesting, randomize the order of the instructions and pause between them.
Throwing a question
This children’s game is suitable to be played when children are learning to recognize and remember something. Playing this will be more exciting by using many of his favorite toys.
For example, stack the toys in one container, then, for example, ask, ‘Where is the red block?’ or ‘Where is the yellow pencil?’. This game is also fun to train children to recognize pictures of animals, letters, numbers or shapes.
Share toys
Sharing toys is a simple way to teach children to share. There is also a children’s game that can be tried is with his colored pencils.
Provide three containers, container A is the place to put all the colored pencils, container B is hers, while the last one is Mother’s. Ask the child to share the colored pencils.
The first colored pencils taken were to be put in her own container, the second colored pencils were for Mother, and so on until the colored pencils ran out. To make the game more interesting, you can continue with the coloring activity afterwards.
Forming a candle
First, candles must be safe for children and always supervise when he is playing, because sometimes, children like to put toys like this in their mouths.
It doesn’t matter if the child doesn’t have the mold, in fact he can be more creative. For example, a child makes a candle in the shape of a cake, you can make a cake while