PS5 release date, price, specs | Shacknews

All hopes are high about the release date of the new ps5; not only is the release date in high expectation, but it surprisingly got a strong competitor at the game awards. The architect behind the excellent look of the game who also designed ps4 Mark Century gave a superb handful of information on what to expect from the newly developed game (Ps5).

Release Date

There is no doubt ps5 will be available to the whole world in the year 2020, and Sony, the maker of the incredible gaming piece, has declared the Holiday 2020 as the release date. According to president handling Sony, he made his intentions clear that he is not worried about the date of release as the whole world is informed already. They were only taking their time so that their most active competitor, which is Xbox, will not catch them unawares and so the two-game consoles can have a similar release date.

However, the price has now become a significant challenge as Sony is a bit confused about the right prices it should be sold. What confuses is that the previous version of the Play Station game, which is Ps 4, was sold for $399. However, they are speculating that the cost and sales price should not be much for day one price of $499 so that the price difference will not be much and can be affordable.

The Kind Of new PS5 to Expect

The new PS5 will be running on an AMD CPU chip, based on Ryzen line’s third generation of AMD. It is also going to have a big GPU that supports 8k resolutions. With proper optimization, Ps5 is capable of exhibiting adequate lighting and shadows, which is an essential factor for easy usage of the game. Among other great features of the game is the 3D audio added to it, this has helped Sony improve on their performances and meet up with the public’s expectations.

What About Streaming

On the PlayStation website, there is a full article that explains details about streaming with Ps5. The CEO Ryan Jim explains there that slides of the game is programmed to focus on the company’s long and short term future so that there won’t be so much need for regular updates of the game. However, Sony and Microsoft decided to come into a partnership so that so they can develop an advanced streaming and cloud technology together. With this, Sony sees the partnership step as an opportunity to move forward and advance in its services to the public; therefore, they were happy about the development.

Be prepared if you genuinely want to get your hands on Ps5 on the release date. If you’re going to be the first to get your hands on the new ps5, sign up for notifications here. You will be receiving every update on anything that has to do with Ps5, the release date, time, and the payment method.

Even as Xbox is a great competitor, buyers should expect an unbeatable experience from Ps5.